Stolichnaya Elit Vodka 6 litre

Stolichnaya Elit Vodka 6 litre

 Currently unavailable
£495.00 inc VAT
  • Stock code
  • 3807
  • ABV
  • 40%
  • Country
  • Latvia
  • Size
  • 6 litre
  • Type
  • Standard


An extra large 6 litre bottle. Stolichnaya elit Vodka is an award-winning vodka, and is well regarded as one of world's finest vodka's. Elit is a creation of passion and precision. It's very clean and neutral on the nose with just a whisper of toasted grain. The initial mouth feel is sumptuous and velvety and amazingly light. As the vodka lingers in the mouth its character unfolds with classic wheated notes of sweet aniseed and pepper, into a very long, soft spicy finish.