

30ml Don Julio Blanco Tequila
30ml Fresh Lime Juice
20ml Cointreau
Rub the rim of the glass with a wedge of lime and dip the rim into a saucer or rimmer with fine grain salt. Add all the ingredients into a shaker. SHAKE vigorously and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a wedge of lime on the rim of the glass.

This is perhaps one of the most well-known tequila-based pre-dinner cocktails and still one of the most popular. This cocktail has an intriguing name, with a hint of both romance and femininity. The story goes that the American actress, Marjorie King was the guest at Rancha La Gloria in Tijuana, Mexico, owned at the time by Danny Herrera. When he discovered the actress was allergic to every spirit but tequila, he mixed this and named it Margarita - the Mexican equivalent of Marjorie.